Full professor (Tenured) for Business Administration with a focus on Information Systems
- since 09/2024
Associate professor (Tenured) for Business Administration with a focus on Information Systems
- since 02/2023
Assistant professor for Business Administration with a focus on Information Systems (Tenure Track)
- since 08/2021
Professor for Business Administration with a focus on Information Systems
- 02/2018 – 08/2021
Habilitation (Venia Legendi) in Information Systems (Wirtschaftsinformatik)
- Topic “Cognitive Effectiveness in Conceptual Modelling”
- Submitted in 06/2017, Defended in 01/2018
Prof. Jan Recker, Prof. Jan Mendling and Prof. Hajo Reijers at my habilitation defense
Doctoral Programme (Ph.D.) in Information Systems
- Summa cum laude (Grade point average: 1.0)
- Dissertation: “Developing Team Competence of Computer Science Students in Person Centered Technology-Enhanced Courses”
Bachelor and Master (B.A., M.A.) in Information Systems
- Summa cum laude (Grade point average: 1.0)
- Academic Excellence Scholarship in 2002/03
- Master thesis: “Evaluation of e-Learning”
Master (M.A.) in Psychology
- Summa cum laude (Grade point average: 1.2)
- Academic Excellence Scholarship in 2002/03
- Master thesis: “Usability of Statistical Software – Comparing SPSS and STATISTICA Using Isonorm and Isometrics”
In Austria, a 5-point grading scale is used, 1 ( “Excellent”) is the best possible grade, 5 (“unsatisfactory”) the lowest.