Journal & Conference Ranking
- VHB-JQ – Ranking based on VHB-Jourqual 3
- IS Basket Journal – Senior Scholars’ List of 11 Premier Journals in Information Systems
- ABDC – ABDC Ranking (“Australian Business Deans Council”)
- IF – Thomson-Reuters Impact Factor 2023
- SSCI-JIF – Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) Journal Impact Factor (Clarivate) 2022
Most Important Journal Articles
- Figl, Kathrin, Soffer, P., Weber, B. (2024). Guiding attention in flow-based conceptual models through consistent flow and pattern visibility. Decision Support Systems (XX), [VHB-2024: B, ABDC: A*, SSCI-JIF: 7.5, IS Basket Journal],
- Figl, Kathrin, Remus, U. (2023). The Smarter Screen? – Thinking, Fast and Slow, on Digital Devices. Journal of Management Information Systems (40) 2, pp. 580–623. (Open Access) [VHB-2024: A, ABDC: A*, IF:7.58, IS Basket Journal, Part of the Financial Times (FT-50) Journal List]
- Djurica, D., Kummer, T., Mendling, J., Figl, Kathrin. (2023). Investigating the Impact of Representation Features on Decision Model Comprehension. European Journal of Information Systems (Open Access) [VHB-2024: A, ABDC: A*, IF:9.01, IS Basket Journal]
- Figl, Kathrin, Kießling, S., Remus, U. (2023). Do symbol and device matter? The effects of symbol choice of fake news flags and device on human interaction with fake news on social media platforms. Computers in Human Behavior. (144: 107704). (Elsevier) [VHB-2024: B, ABDC: A, IF:8.96]
- Miniukovich, A., & Figl, Kathrin (2023). The effect of prototypicality on webpage aesthetics, usability, and trustworthiness. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 103103. (Elsevier) [VHB-2024: B, ABDC: B, IF:4.87]
- Figl, Kathrin (2017). Comprehension of Procedural Visual Business Process Models – A Literature Review. Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE) (59) 1 [open access], pp 41–67 (Supplementary Material) (Springer) [VHB-2024: B, ABDC: A, IF:10.3]
- Reinhartz-Berger, I., Figl, Kathrin, Haugen, Ø. (2017). Investigating Styles in Variability Modeling: Hierarchical vs. Constrained Styles. Information and Software Technology (87), pp.81-102 (pdf) (Elsevier) [VHB-2024: B, ABDC: A, IF:1.57]
- Figl, Kathrin, Recker, J. (2016). Process Innovation as Creative Problem-Solving: An Experimental Study of Textual Descriptions and Diagrams. Information & Management (53) 6, pp.767-786. (Elsevier) [VHB-2024: B, ABDC: A*, IF:10.33, IS Basket Journal]
- Figl, Kathrin, Laue, R. (2015). Influence Factors for Local Comprehensibility of Process Models. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (Elsevier). 82, pp.96-110. (pdf)(Elsevier)[VHB-2024: B, ABDC: B, IF:1.48]
- Figl, Kathrin, Recker, J., Mendling, J. (2013). A Study on the Effects of Routing Symbol Design on Process Model Comprehension. Decision Support Systems (54) 2, pp.1104-1118. (DSS) [VHB-2024: B, ABDC: A*, IF:6.97, IS Basket Journal]
- Figl, Kathrin, Mendling, J., Strembeck, M. (2013). The Influence of Notational Deficiencies on Process Model Comprehension. Journal of the Association for Information Systems (14) 6, Article 1. (pdf) (JAIS) [VHB-2024: A, ABDC: A*, IF:5.35, IS Basket Journal]
- Figl, Kathrin and Saunders, C. (2011). Team Climate and Media Choice in Virtual Teams. AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction (3) 4, pp.189-213. [VHB 2024: B] (pdf)
Publications in Chronological Order
- Kürschner, A.-R., Ernst, C., Figl, Kathrin, Remus, U. (2024). Unveiling the Complexity of Smart Home Systems in Terms of Sustainability and Effectiveness: An AI-enhanced Literature Review. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). [VHB-2024: A]
- Figl, Kathrin, Soffer, P., Weber, B. (2024). Guiding attention in flow-based conceptual models through consistent flow and pattern visibility. Decision Support Systems (XX), [VHB-JQ3: B, ABDC: A*, SSCI-JIF: 7.5, IS Basket Journal],
- Miniukovich, A., & Figl, Kathrin. (2024). Dataset of user evaluations of prototypicality, aesthetics, usability and trustworthiness of homepages of banking, e-commerce and university websites. Data in Brief, 52, 109976.
- Miniukovich, A., Figl, Kathrin., Ernst, C. (2024). The Effects of Webpage Prototypicality, Aesthetics, and Complexity on Eye Fixations and Company Perception. In: Davis, F.D., Riedl, R., Brocke, J.v., Léger, PM., Randolph, A.B., Müller-Putz, G.R. (eds) Information Systems and Neuroscience. NeuroIS 2023. Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation, vol 68. Springer, Cham.[VHB-JQ: C]
- Djurica, D., Kummer, T., Mendling, J., Figl, Kathrin. (2023). Investigating the Impact of Representation Features on Decision Model Comprehension. European Journal of Information Systems (Open Access) [VHB-JQ3: A]
- Figl, Kathrin, Remus, U. (2023). The Smarter Screen? – Thinking, Fast and Slow, on Digital Devices. Journal of Management Information Systems (40) 2, pp. 580–623. (Open Access) [VHB-JQ3: A]
- Figl, Kathrin, Kießling, S., Remus, U. (2023). Do symbol and device matter? The effects of symbol choice of fake news flags and device on human interaction with fake news on social media platforms. Computers in Human Behavior. (144: 107704).
- Miniukovich, A., & Figl, Kathrin (2023). The effect of prototypicality on webpage aesthetics, usability, and trustworthiness. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 103103. (Elsevier) [VHB-2024: B, ABDC: B, IF:4.87]
- Figl, Kathrin, Lehrer, C., & Helder, J. (2023). App-device fit matters: Understanding user perceptions of apps on smartwatches and smartphones. SMR – Journal of Service Management Research 7(2). 82 – 98. [VHB-2024: C]
- Kießling, S., Wiedmann, F., Figl, Kathrin. (2022). Visual Attention to Fake News Flags in Social Media News Posts: An Eye Tracking Study. European Conference of Information Systems. Timișoara, Romania. [VHB-JQ3: B]
- Figl, Kathrin, Lukyanenko, R., Mendling, J., & Polančič, G. (2021). The Impact of the Business Process Model and Notation. Call for Papers, Issue 1/2023. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 63(2), 215-217. doi:10.1007/s12599-021-00688-x
- Figl, Kathrin, Zollitsch, I., Lehrer, C. (2021). Digital Nudging towards Acceptance of Defaults in Product Configuration. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Austin, United States. [VHB-JQ3: A]
- Miniukovich, A., Figl, Kathrin. (2021). The Role of Webpage Prototypicality as a Factor of Elaboration Likelihood. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Austin, United States. [VHB-JQ3: A]
- Kießling, S.; Figl, Kathrin, Remus, U. (2021). Human Experts or Artificial Intelligence? Algorithm Aversion in Fake News Detection. European Conference of Information Systems (ECIS). Research Paper 149. [VHB-JQ3: B]
- Figl, Kathrin, Di Ciccio, C., Reijers, Hajo A. (2020). Do Declarative Process Models Help to Reduce Cognitive Biases Related to Business Rules? International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2020). Vienna, Austria. [VHB-JQ3: B]
- Figl, Kathrin, Lehrer, C. (2020). Privacy Nudging: The Effect of Privacy Settings on Disclosure in Online Social Networks. European Conference of Information Systems (ECIS). Marocco. [VHB-JQ3: B]
- Figl, Kathrin, Kiessling, S., Miniukovich, A. (2020). Graphical Research Models in the Information Systems Discipline. Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Hawaii, USA. [VHB-JQ3: C]
- Djurica, D., Figl, Kathrin, Mendling, J. (2020). An Investigation of Associative Coloring in Business Decision Representations with Eye-tracking. In Information Systems and Neuroscience (pp. 305-313). Springer, Cham.
- Seger, F., Figl, Kathrin (2019). Influence Factors for Customer Acceptance of Data-Driven Contracts in Insurance Ecosystems. ICIS 2019 Pre-Conference Workshop Proceedings. Munich, Germany.
- Figl, Kathrin, Kiessling, S., Rank, C., Vakulenko, S. (2019). Fake News Flags, Cognitive Dissonance and the Believability of Social Media Posts. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Munich, Germany. [VHB-JQ3: A]
- Figl, Kathrin, Mendling, J., Tokdemir, G., Vanthienen, J. (2018). What we know and what we do not know about DMN (Decision Model and Notation). Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures. International Journal of Conceptual Modelling (13) (pdf) (EMISA). [VHB-2024: C]
- Friedrich, T., Figl, Kathrin (2018). Consumers’ Perceptions of Different Scarcity Cues on E-commerce Websites. Proceedings of the Thirty Ninth International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), San Francisco, USA. [VHB-JQ3: A]
- Reinhartz-Berger, I., Figl, Kathrin, Haugen, Ø. (2017). Investigating Styles in Variability Modeling: Hierarchical vs. Constrained Styles. Information and Software Technology (87), pp.81-102 (pdf) (Elsevier) [VHB-2024: B, ABDC: A, IF:1.57]
- Figl, Kathrin (2017). Comprehension of Procedural Visual Business Process Models – A Literature Review. Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE) (59) 1 [open access], pp 41–67 (Supplementary Material) (Springer) [VHB-JQ3: B, ABDC: A, IF:10.3]
- Figl, Kathrin (2017). Cognitive Effectiveness in Conceptual Modeling (Keynote abstract). Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Conceptual Modeling Education (p.3) co-located with the 36th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2017). Valencia, Spain.
- Figl, Kathrin (2017). User Evaluation of Symbols for Core Business Process Modeling Concepts. 25th European Conference of Information Systems (ECIS). Guimarães, Portugal. [VHB-JQ3: B]
- Figl, Kathrin (2017). Why are Process Models Hard to Understand? (Keynote summary) Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. 5th International Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of Information Systems Engineering – COGNISE’17 in conjunction with CAiSE’17. Essen, Germany. [VHB-JQ3: C]
- Beno, M., Figl, Kathrin, Polleres, A., Umbrich, J. (2017). Open Data Hopes and Fears, Determining the Barriers of Open Data. Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government, Krems, Austria. (Shortlisted for Best Paper Award)
- Kusen, E., Cascavillay, E.G., Figl, Kathrin, Contiz, M., Strembeck, M. (2017). Identifying Emotions in Social Media: Comparison of Word-Emotion Lexicons. The Fourth International Symposium on Social Networks Analysis, Management and Security (SNAMS). IEEE Computer Society Conference Publishing Services. Prague, Czech Republic.
- Djurica, D., Figl, Kathrin (2017) The Effect of Digital Nudging Techniques on Customers’ Intention to Buy and Attitude towards Online E-commerce Sites. 23rd Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). Boston, USA.
- Figl, Kathrin, Recker, J. (2016). Exploring Cognitive Style and Task-specific Preferences for Process Representations. Requirements Engineering 21 (1), pp.63-85. (pdf) (Springer) [IF:1.15]
- Dangarska, Z., Figl, Kathrin, Mendling, J. (2016). A Cognitive Analysis of the Decision Model and Notation (DMN). Proceedings of IEEE 2nd International Workshop on Compliance, Evolution and Security in intra- and Cross-Organizational Processes, Vienna, Austria.
- Figl, K., & Recker, J. (2016). Process innovation as creative problem-solving: An experimental study of textual descriptions and diagrams. International Workshop on Enterprise Modeling and Information Systems Architectures (EMISA), Vienna, Austria.
- Figl, Kathrin, Laue, R. (2016). Kognitive Belastung als lokales Komplexitätsmaß in Geschäftsprozessmodellen. Konferenz Software Engineering. Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Vienna, Austria. [VHB-JQ3: C]
- Figl, Kathrin, Recker, J. (2016). Process Innovation as Creative Problem-Solving: An Experimental Study of Textual Descriptions and Diagrams. Information & Management (53) 6, pp.767-786. (Elsevier) [VHB-JQ3: B, ABDC: A*, IF:10.33, IS Basket Journal]
- Bukvova, H., Figl, Kathrin, Neumann, G. (2016). Improving the Quality of Multiple-Choice Exams by Providing Feedback from Item Analysis. Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI), Ilmenau.
- Figl, Kathrin, Laue, R. (2015). Influence Factors for Local Comprehensibility of Process Models. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (Elsevier). 82, pp.96-110. (pdf)(Elsevier)[VHB-2024: B, ABDC: B, IF:1.48]
- Figl, Kathrin, Strembeck, M. (2015). Findings from an Experiment on Flow Direction of Business Process Models. International Workshop on Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures (EMISA). Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Innsbruck, Austria. [VHB-JQ3: C]
- Koschmider, A., Figl, Kathrin, Schoknecht, A. (2015). Comprehensive Overview on Visual Design of Process Element Labels. Business Process Management Workshops. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. Innsbruck, Austria. [VHB-JQ3: C]
- Reinhartz-Berger, I., Figl, Kathrin (2014). Comprehensibility of Orthogonal
Variability Modeling Languages: The Cases of CVL and OVM. Proceedings of 18th Software Product Line Conference, Florence, Italy: ACM. (Best Paper Award, 28% acceptance rate)
- Reinhartz-Berger, I., Figl, Kathrin, Haugen, Ø. (2014).Comprehending Feature Models Expressed in CVL. Proceedings of ACM/IEEE 17th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS), Valencia, Spain: Springer. (24% acceptance rate)
- Figl, Kathrin, Strembeck, M. (2014). On the Importance of Flow Direction in Business Process Models. Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications, Vienna, Austria: Scitepress. (pdf)
- Figl, Kathrin, Koschmider, A., Kriglstein, S. (2013). Visualising Process Model Hierarchies. European Conference of Information Systems (ECIS), Utrecht, The Netherlands. (pdf) [VHB-JQ3: B]
- Figl, Kathrin, Mendling, J., Strembeck, M. (2013). The Influence of Notational Deficiencies on Process Model Comprehension. Journal of the Association for Information Systems (14) 6, Article 1. (pdf) (JAIS) [VHB-JQ3: A, ABDC: A*, IF:5.35, IS Basket Journal]
- Figl, Kathrin, Recker, J., Mendling, J. (2013). A Study on the Effects of Routing Symbol Design on Process Model Comprehension. Decision Support Systems (54) 2, pp.1104-1118. (DSS) [VHB-JQ3: B, ABDC: A*, IF:6.97, IS Basket Journal]
- Kabicher-Fuchs, S., Kriglstein, S., Figl, Kathrin, (2012). Timeline Visualization for Documenting Process Model Change. 5th International Workshop on Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures (EMISA). Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), p.95-108. Vienna, Austria. (pdf) [VHB-JQ3: C]
- Figl, Kathrin (2012). Symbol Choice and Memory of Visual Models. Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL-HCC), Innsbruck, Austria. IEEE Computer Society, p. 97-100. (pdf)
- Figl, Kathrin, Weber, B. (2012). Individual Creativity in Designing Business Processes. Advanced Information Systems Engineering Workshops. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. Volume 112, p. 294-306. Berlin: Springer. (30% acceptance rate) [VHB-JQ3: C]
- Figl, Kathrin and Saunders, C. (2011). Team Climate and Media Choice in Virtual Teams. AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction (3) 4, pp.189-213. [VHB 2024: B] (pdf)
- Figl, Kathrin, Weber, B. (2011). Creative Personality and Business Process Redesign. 4th International Workshop on Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures (EMISA), Hamburg, Germany, Lecture Notes in Informatics 190 GI, p. 189-194. [VHB-JQ3: C]
- Figl, Kathrin, Derntl, M. (2011). The Impact of Perceived Cognitive Effectiveness on Perceived Usefulness of Visual Conceptual Modeling Languages. 30th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2011). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 6998/2011, Brussels, Belgium, p.78-91. (16% acceptance rate) (pdf) [VHB-JQ3: B]
- Figl, Kathrin, Laue, R. (2011). Cognitive Complexity in Business Process Modeling. 23rd International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAISE). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 6741/2011, p. 452-466. (13% acceptance rate) (pdf) [VHB-JQ3: C]
- Figl, Kathrin, Mendling, J., Strembeck, M. & Recker, J. (2010). On the Cognitive Effectiveness of Routing Symbols in Process Modeling Languages. Business Information Systems (BIS) 2010. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing Vol.47. Berlin: Springer. (<30% acceptance rate) (pdf) [VHB-JQ3: C]
- Figl, Kathrin, Derntl, M., Rodriguez, M.C., Botturi, L. (2010). Cognitive Effectiveness of Visual Instructional Design Languages. Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, 21 (6), 359–373. (pdf) [IF 2013:0.66]
- Figl, Kathrin, Mendling, J. & Strembeck, M. (2009). Towards a Usability Assessment of Process Modeling Languages. 8. GI-Workshop EPK 2009: Geschäftsprozessmanagement mit Ereignisgesteuerten Prozessketten. CEUR-WS: Berlin. (pdf)
- Figl, Kathrin, Derntl, M., Kabicher, S. (2009). Visual Modeling of Competence Development in Cooperative Learning Settings. Visioning and Engineering the Knowledge Society. A Web Science Perspective. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 5736: 176-185. Berlin / Heidelberg: Springer. (pdf) [VHB-JQ3: C]
- Figl, Kathrin (2009). Usability-Fragebögen im Vergleich. Tagungsband Mensch & Computer. Oldenbourg: Berlin, 143-152. (pdf)
- Figl, Kathrin, Bauer, C., Kriglstein, S. (2009). Instant Online Feedback for Oral Presentations. Proceedings of 15th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). San Francisco. (pdf) [VHB-JQ3: D]
- Kabicher, S., Motschnig-Pitrik, R., Figl, Kathrin (2009). What Competences do Employers, Staff and Students aspire for Computer Science Graduates? Proceedings of Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE). San Antonio: IEEE. (pdf)
- Figl,Kathrin, Motschnig, R., Bauer, C.(2009). Förderung „virtueller“ Kommunikationskompetenzen mit neuen Medien. Tagungsband der 18. fnm Austria Tagung. Wien: Forum Neue Medien in der Lehre Austria (fnm-austria). (pdf)
- Bauer, C., Figl, Kathrin, Derntl, M., Beran, P., Kabicher, S. (2009). Der Einsatz von Online‐Peer‐Reviews als kollaborative Lernform. 9. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik. Wien. (Nominated for Best Paper Award, 25% acceptance rate) (pdf) [VHB-JQ3: C]
- Kabicher, S., Kriglstein,S., Figl, Kathrin, Motschnig-Pitrik, R. (2008). Using ePortfolios Enhancing Learning through Computer-Mediated Interaction in a Course on HCI. HCI and Usability for Education and Work. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (5298/2008). A. Holzinger (Ed.), pp. 113–124. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer. (pdf) [VHB-JQ3: C]
- Bauer, C., Figl, Kathrin (2008). “Active Listening” in Written Online Communication – A Case Study in a Course on “Soft Skills for Computer Scientists”. Proceedings of Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE). Saratoga Springs: IEEE. (pdf)
- Figl, Kathrin, Motschnig-Pitrik, R., (2008). Researching the Development of Team Competencies in Computer Science Courses. Proceedings of Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE). Saratoga Springs: IEEE. (pdf)
- Motschnig-Pitrik, R., Derntl, M., Figl, Kathrin, Kabicher, S., (2008). Towards Learner-Centered Learning Goals. Proceedings of Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE). Saratoga Springs: IEEE. (pdf)
- Figl, Kathrin, Kabicher, S., Toifl, K. (2008). Promoting Social Networks Among Computer Science Students. Proceedings of Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE). Saratoga Springs: IEEE. (pdf)
- Motschnig-Pitrik, R., Kabicher, S., & Figl, Kathrin (2008). Förderung fachlicher und metafachlicher Kompetenzen im Blended Learning. In J. Pauschenwein (Ed.), 10 Jahre E-Learning in Österreich. Festschrift zum zehnjährigen Bestehen des «ZML – Innovative Lernszenarien» an der FH JOANNEUM. Graz. (pdf)
- Figl, Kathrin, Bauer, C. (2008). Online Active Listening and Media Competence.
Proceedings of IADIS International Conference e-Learning 2008. Amsterdam: IADIS. (Best Research Paper Award) (pdf)
- Figl, Kathrin, Gerhardt, T. (2008). Expected Motivational and Training Effect and Openness to Technical Cycling Equipment. Proceedings of IADIS International Conference Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2008 (IHCI 2008). Amsterdam: IADIS. (Poster Presentation) (pdf)
- Figl, Kathrin, Kriglstein, S. (2008). Investigating Essential Usability Factors of Online Course Registration Systems. Proceedings of IADIS International Conference Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2008 (IHCI 2008). Amsterdam: IADIS. (pdf)
- Figl, Kathrin, Bauer, C. (2008). Motivational Aspects in Technology-Enhanced Courses. Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications (ED-MEDIA). Vienna: AACE.
- Motschnig-Pitrik, R., Figl, Kathrin (2008). The Effects of Person Centered Education on Communication and Community Building. Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications (ED-MEDIA). Vienna: AACE.
- Figl, Kathrin (2008). Exploring the Effects of Communication Frequency and
Media Choice on Team Climate in Student Teams. Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications (ED-MEDIA). Vienna: AACE. (Outstanding Paper Award)
- Motschnig, R., & Figl, Kathrin (2008). Personzentriertes, technologie-erweitertes Lernen als Beitrag zu einem gelungenen Leben durch bessere Kommunikation, Beziehungen und Kooperation. In Gerd-Bodo von Carlsburg (Ed.), Seelische Gesundheit und gelungenes Leben (Vol. 71, pp. 145-160). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
- Motschnig-Pitrik, R., Kabicher, S., Figl, Kathrin, & Santos, A., M. (2007). Person Centered, Technology Enhanced Learning in Action: Action Research in a Course on Organizational Development. Proceedings of Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE). Milwaukee: IEEE.
- Motschnig-Pitrik, R., & Figl, Kathrin (2007). Developing Team Competence as Part of a Person Centered Learning Course on Communication and Soft Skills in Project Management. Proceedings of Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE): Milwaukee: IEEE.
- Figl, Kathrin, & Motschnig-Pitrik, R. (2007). Developing Team Competence in Technology Enhanced Courses. Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications (ED-MEDIA). Vancouver: AACE.
- Figl, Kathrin (2007). Media Choice in Students’ Communication. Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications (ED-MEDIA). Vancouver: AACE.
- Bauer, C., Figl, Kathrin (2006). Differences of Online and Face-to-Face Peer Reviews Regarding Type and Quality. Proceedings of IADIS International Conference Cognition and Exploring in Digital Age (CELDA): Barcelona: IADIS.
- Figl, Kathrin (2006). Media Choice and Teamwork in a Blended Learning Course. Proceedings of IADIS International Conference Cognition and Exploring in Digital Age (CELDA): Barcelona: IADIS.
- Figl, Kathrin, Bauer, C., Mangler, J. (2006). Online versus Face-to-Face Peer Team Reviews. Proceedings of Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE). San Diego: IEEE.
- Derntl, M., Motschnig-Pitrik, R., Figl, Kathrin (2006). Using Teams, Peer- and Self Evaluation in Blended Learning Classes. Proceedings of Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE). San Diego: IEEE.
- Figl, Kathrin, Derntl, M. (2006). A Comparison of Visual Instructional Design Languages for Blended Learning. Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications (ED-MEDIA). Orlando: AACE.
- Botturi, L., Derntl, M., Boot, E., Figl, Kathrin (2006). A Classification Framework for Educational Modeling Languages in Instructional Design. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT): Kerkrade.
- Figl, Kathrin, Motschnig-Pitrik, R. Derntl, M. (2006). Team and Community Building of Students of Business Informatics: Influence Factors in Blended Environments. Proceedings of International Conference on Networked Learning (NLC): Lancaster.
- Motschnig-Pitrik, R., Derntl, M., Figl, Kathrin, Kroop, S., Logar, S., Mangler, J., Wenninger, B. (2006). Processes and their Support in a Developing Interdisciplinary Learning Community. Proceedings of International Conference on Networked Learning (NLC): Lancaster.
- Figl, Kathrin, Derntl, M., Motschnig-Pitrik, R. (2005). Assessing the Added Value of Blended Learning: An Experience-based Survey of Research Paradigms. Proceedings of International Conference on Interactive Computer-aided Learning (ICL): Villach.

- Figl, Kathrin (2010). Team and Media Competencies in Information Systems (2nd edition). München: Oldenbourg Verlag.
- Figl, Kathrin (2009). Team and Media Competencies in Information Systems. München: Oldenbourg Verlag.
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