
Habilitation Guidelines

  • Journal List of the Department (version from June 16, 2015; journals of the habilitation marked in yellow) (xlsx)
  • Habilitation Guidelines of the Department (version from 06/2015) (pdf)

Habilitation Thesis

Including Publication Awards for 4 Top-Journal Publications

from the Vienna University of Economics and Business

DSS WU publikationsauszeichnung2017 JAIS-WU

Sole-Authored Journal Article (and corresponding extended abstract; listed in the department’s journal list)

  1. Figl, Kathrin (2017). Comprehension of Procedural Visual Business Process Models – A Literature Review. Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE) (59) 1. Special Issue on Human Information Behaviour in IS Development and Use [open access], pp 41–67 (pdf) (Appendix) (Springer) [Listed, VHB-JQ3: B, ABDC: A, IF:2.06, WI: A]
    • Extended Abtract/Presentation at a Conference: Figl, Kathrin (2017). Why are Process Models Hard to Understand? (Invited Keynote) Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. 5th International Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of Information Systems Engineering – COGNISE’17 in conjunction with CAiSE’17. Essen, Germany. (accepted) [VHB-JQ3: C, WI: B]

Journal Articles (and corresponding extended abstracts; the journals are listed in the department’s journal list)

  1. Reinhartz-Berger, I., Figl, Kathrin, Haugen, Ø. (2017). Investigating Styles in Variability Modeling:  Hierarchical vs. Constrained Styles. Information and Software Technology (87), pp.81-102 (pdf) (Elsevier) [Listed, ABDC: A, IF:1.57]
  2. Figl, Kathrin, Recker, J. (2016). Exploring Cognitive Style and Task-specific Preferences for Process Representations. Requirements Engineering 21 (1), pp.63-85. (pdf) (Springer) [Listed, IF:1.15]
  3. Figl, Kathrin, Recker, J. (2016). Process Innovation as Creative Problem-Solving: An Experimental Study of Textual Descriptions and Diagrams. Information & Management (53) 6, pp.767-786. (pdf) (Elsevier) [Listed, VHB-JQ3: B, WI: A, ABDC: A*, IF:2.16]
    • Extended Abtract/Presentation at a Conference: Figl, K., & Recker, J. (2016). Process innovation as creative problem-solving: An experimental study of textual descriptions and diagrams. International Workshop on Enterprise Modeling and Information Systems Architectures (EMISA), Vienna, Austria. (pdf)
  4. Figl, Kathrin, Laue, R. (2015). Influence Factors for Local Comprehensibility of Process Models. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (Elsevier). 82, pp.96-110. (pdf) (Elsevier) [Listed, WI: B, ABDC: B, IF:1.48]
    • Extended Abtract/Presentation at a Conference: Figl, Kathrin, Laue, R. (2016). Kognitive Belastung als lokales Komplexitätsmaß in Geschäftsprozessmodellen. Konferenz Software Engineering. Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Vienna, Austria. (pdf) [Listed, VHB-JQ3: C, WI: B]
  5. Figl, Kathrin, Mendling, J., Strembeck, M. (2013). The Influence of Notational Deficiencies on Process Model Comprehension. Journal of the Association for Information Systems (14) 6, Article 1. (pdf) (JAIS) [Listed, VHB-JQ3: A, WI: A, ABDC: A*, IF:1.79]
  6. Figl, Kathrin, Recker, J., Mendling, J. (2013). A Study on the Effects of Routing Symbol Design on Process Model Comprehension. Decision Support Systems (54) 2, pp.1104-1118. (pdf) (DSS) [Listed, VHB-JQ3: B, WI: A, ABDC: A*, IF:2.60]

Additional Journal Article

  1. Figl, Kathrin, Derntl, M., Rodriguez, M.C., Botturi, L. (2010). Cognitive Effectiveness of Visual Instructional Design Languages. Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, 21 (6), 359–373. (pdf) [IF:0.66]

Papers in Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings (the papers appeared in conferences with an acceptance rate < 30% or at the ECIS)

  1. Figl, Kathrin (2017). User Evaluation of Symbols for Core Business Process Modeling Concepts. 25th European Conference of Information Systems (ECIS). Guimarães, Portugal. (accepted) [VHB-JQ3: B, WI: A]
  2. Reinhartz-Berger, I., Figl, Kathrin (2014). Comprehensibility of Orthogonal AWARD+ICONVariability Modeling Languages: The Cases of CVL and OVM. Proceedings of 18th Software Product Line Conference, Florence, Italy: ACM. (pdf) (Best Paper Award, 28% acceptance rate) SPLC14 best paper award
  3. Reinhartz-Berger, I., Figl, Kathrin, Haugen, Ø. (2014). Comprehending Feature Models Expressed in CVL. Proceedings of ACM/IEEE 17th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS), Valencia, Spain: Springer. (pdf) (24% acceptance rate)
  4. Figl, Kathrin, Koschmider, A., Kriglstein, S. (2013). Visualising Process Model Hierarchies. European Conference of Information Systems (ECIS), Utrecht, The Netherlands. (pdf) (32% acceptance rate) [VHB-JQ3: B, WI: A]
  5. Figl, Kathrin, Weber, B. (2012). Individual Creativity in Designing Business Processes. Advanced Information Systems Engineering Workshops. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. Volume 112, p. 294-306. Berlin: Springer. (pdf) (30% acceptance rate) [VHB-JQ3: C]
  6. Figl, Kathrin, Derntl, M. (2011). The Impact of Perceived Cognitive Effectiveness on Perceived Usefulness of Visual Conceptual Modeling Languages. 30th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2011). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 6998/2011, Brussels, Belgium, p.78-91. (pdf) (16% acceptance rate) [VHB-JQ3: B, WI: B]
  7. Figl, Kathrin, Laue, R. (2011). Cognitive Complexity in Business Process Modeling. 23rd International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAISE). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 6741/2011, p. 452-466. (pdf) (13% acceptance rate) [VHB-JQ3: C, WI: B]
  8. Figl, Kathrin, Mendling, J., Strembeck, M. & Recker, J. (2010). On the Cognitive Effectiveness of Routing Symbols in Process Modeling Languages. Business Information Systems (BIS) 2010. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing Vol.47. Berlin: Springer. (pdf) (<30% acceptance rate) [VHB-JQ3: C, WI: B]

Additional Papers in Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings

  1. Dangarska, Z., Figl, Kathrin, Mendling, J. (2016). A Cognitive Analysis of the Decision Model and Notation (DMN). Proceedings of IEEE 2nd International Workshop on Compliance, Evolution and Security in intra- and Cross-Organizational Processes, Vienna, Austria. (pdf)
  2. Koschmider, A., Figl, Kathrin, Schoknecht, A. (2015). Comprehensive Overview on Visual Design of Process Element Labels. Business Process Management Workshops. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. Innsbruck, Austria. (pdf)  [VHB-JQ3: C]
  3. Figl, Kathrin, Strembeck, M. (2015). Findings from an Experiment on Flow Direction of Business Process Models. International Workshop on Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures (EMISA). Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Innsbruck, Austria. (pdf) [VHB-JQ3: C, WI: B]
  4. Figl, Kathrin, Strembeck, M. (2014). On the Importance of Flow Direction in Business Process Models. Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications. (pdf) Vienna, Austria: Scitepress.
  5. Figl, Kathrin (2012). Symbol Choice and Memory of Visual Models. Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL-HCC), Innsbruck, Austria. IEEE Computer Society, p. 97-100. (pdf)
  6. Figl, Kathrin, Weber, B. (2011). Creative Personality and Business Process Redesign. 4th International Workshop on Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures (EMISA), Hamburg, Germany, Lecture Notes in Informatics 190 GI, p. 189-194. (pdf) [VHB-JQ3: C, WI: B]
  7. Figl, Kathrin, Mendling, J. & Strembeck, M. (2009). Towards a Usability Assessment of Process Modeling Languages. 8. GI-Workshop EPK 2009: Geschäftsprozessmanagement mit Ereignisgesteuerten Prozessketten. CEUR-WS: Berlin. (pdf)

Journal & Conference Ranking

  • Listed –  Journal is listed in the department list
  • VHB-JQ – Ranking based on VHB-Jourqual 3 (2015): 1 x A; 6 x B; 12 x C; 2 x D
  • WI – Ranking based on WKWI (“Wissenschaftliche Kommission für Wirtschaftsinformatik”) WI journal list (2008): 7 x A; 13 x B
  • ABDC – ABDC 2016 Ranking (“Australian Business Deans Council”): 3 x A*, 2 x A; 2 x B
  • IF – Thomson-Reuters Impact Factor